Direktori : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/__pycache__/warnings.cpython-311.pyc |
� �܋fs � �� � d Z ddlmZ ddlZddlZddlmZ ddlmZ ddl m Z ddlmZ ee e e f ZdZd � d d � �Z G d� de� � Z G d � de� � Z G d� de� � Zd� ZdS )z�Provide basic warnings used by setuptools modules. Using custom classes (other than ``UserWarning``) allow users to set ``PYTHONWARNINGS`` filters to run tests and prepare for upcoming changes in setuptools. � )�annotationsN)�date)�cleandoc)�indent)�Tuplez zP********************************************************************************z {details} c �X � e Zd ZdZe ddd �� � Ze ddd�� � ZdS )�SetuptoolsWarningz/Base class in ``setuptools`` warning hierarchy.N� �summary� str | None�details�due_date�_DueDate | None�see_docs�see_url� stacklevel�intc �� � |pt | dd� � pd}|pt | dd� � pd} |pt | dd� � }|pt | dd� � } | od| � �}|pt | dd� � }|r t |� nd}| � || ||p||� � } |r0|t j � � k rt � � r | | � � �t j | | |d z � � � dS )�6Private: reserved for ``setuptools`` internal use only�_SUMMARYN� �_DETAILS� _DUE_DATE� _SEE_DOCSz%https://setuptools.pypa.io/en/latest/�_SEE_URL� )r )�getattrr �_format�today�_should_enforce�warnings�warn)�clsr r r r r r �kwargs�summary_�details_�docs_ref�docs_url�due�texts �J/opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/setuptools/warnings.py�emitzSetuptoolsWarning.emit s � � �B�g�c�:�t�<�<�B����B�g�c�:�t�<�<�B����>�w�s�K��>�>���>�w�s�K��>�>���R� R�� R� R���;�W�S�*�d�;�;��!)�3�d�H�o�o�t���{�{�8�X�s�G�4G�x��P�P��� �3�����%�%�/�*;�*;�%��#�d�)�)�O�� �d�C�J��N�;�;�;�;�;�;� �str�date | None�format_args�dict | Nonec �� � t j � � }t |� � � |pi � � }t |� � � |pi � � |r ||k rd|d�d�nd|r||k rdnd|rd|� d�ndg}d� |D � � }|rZt t � d � |� � � � � t � � } d � |d| dg� � S |S ) r z By z%Y-%b-%dzi, you need to update your project and remove deprecated calls or your builds will no longer be supported.Nzy This deprecation is overdue, please update your project and remove deprecated calls to avoid build errors in the future.z See z for details.c � � g | ]}|�|��S � r4 )�.0�xs r+ � <listcomp>z-SetuptoolsWarning._format.<locals>.<listcomp>O s � �0�0�0�q�a�0��0�0�0r- � )r z!! z !!) r r r � format_mapr � _TEMPLATE�format�join�_INDENT) r# r r r r r0 r �possible_parts�parts�bodys r+ r zSetuptoolsWarning._format3 s9 � � � �����7�#�#�.�.�{�/@�b�A�A���W���(�(��):��;�;� �� (�5� 0� 0�P��X� P� P� P� P� � �� (�5� 0� 0�I� I� �07� A� ,�g� ,� ,� ,� ,�T� �� 1�0�N�0�0�0��� >��)�*�*�4�9�9�U�3C�3C�*�D�D�g�N�N�D��9�9�g�v�t�V�<�=�=�=��r- )NNNNNr )r r r r r r r r r r r r )NNN) r r. r r. r r/ r r r0 r1 )�__name__� __module__�__qualname__�__doc__�classmethodr, r r4 r- r+ r r s� � � � � � �9�9�� #�"�$(�#�"��<� <� <� <� �[�<�2 � !%�"�#'� � � � � �[�� � r- r c � � e Zd ZdZdS )�InformationOnlya Currently there is no clear way of displaying messages to the users that use the setuptools backend directly via ``pip``. The only thing that might work is a warning, although it is not the most appropriate tool for the job... See pypa/packaging-problems#558. N�rA rB rC rD r4 r- r+ rG rG V s � � � � � �� � � r- rG c � � e Zd ZdZdS )�SetuptoolsDeprecationWarningz� Base class for warning deprecations in ``setuptools`` This class is not derived from ``DeprecationWarning``, and as such is visible by default. NrH r4 r- r+ rJ rJ ` s � � � � � �� � � r- rJ c �X � t j dd� � � � � } | dv S )N�SETUPTOOLS_ENFORCE_DEPRECATION�false)�true�on�ok�1)�os�getenv�lower)�enforces r+ r r i s, � ��i�8�'�B�B�H�H�J�J�G��/�/�/r- )rD � __future__r rR r! �datetimer �inspectr �textwrapr �typingr r �_DueDater= r: �UserWarningr rG rJ r r4 r- r+ �<module>r] s? ��� � #� "� "� "� "� "� � � � � ���� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ���c�3���� ���6�6�(�6�6� �=� =� =� =� =�� =� =� =�@� � � � �'� � � �� � � � �#4� � � �0� 0� 0� 0� 0r-