
Mini Shell

Direktori : /opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/coverage/__pycache__/
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Current File : //opt/cloudlinux/venv/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/coverage/__pycache__/cmdline.cpython-311.pyc


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dhdi���Z.ejddjddk���Z/dlS)m�OptszBA namespace class for individual options we'll build parsers from.z-az--append�
store_truezGAppend coverage data to .coverage, otherwise it starts clean each time.)�action�help�z--keepz9Keep original coverage files, otherwise they are deleted.z--branchz:Measure branch coverage in addition to statement coverage.z
--concurrency�store�LIBSzaProperly measure code using a concurrency library. Valid values are: {}, or a comma-list of them.z, )r�metavarrz	--context�LABELz2The context label to record for this coverage run.z
--contextszREGEX1,REGEX2,...ziOnly display data from lines covered in the given contexts. Accepts Python regexes, which must be quoted.z--data-file�DATAFILEzXBase name of the data files to operate on. Defaults to '.coverage'. [env: COVERAGE_FILE]�INFILEzfRead coverage data for report generation from this file. Defaults to '.coverage'. [env: COVERAGE_FILE]�OUTFILEz\Write the recorded coverage data to this file. Defaults to '.coverage'. [env: COVERAGE_FILE]z--debug�OPTSz9Debug options, separated by commas. [env: COVERAGE_DEBUG]z-dz--directory�DIRzWrite the output files to DIR.z--fail-under�MIN�floatz?Exit with a status of 2 if the total coverage is less than MIN.)rr#�typerz--format�FORMATz9Output format, either text (default), markdown, or total.z-hz--helpzGet help on this command.z-iz--ignore-errorsz)Ignore errors while reading source files.z	--includez
PAT1,PAT2,...zpInclude only files whose paths match one of these patterns. Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be quoted.z-Lz--pylibzWMeasure coverage even inside the Python installed library, which isn't done by default.�-mz--show-missingzEShow line numbers of statements in each module that weren't executed.�--modulezb<pyfile> is an importable Python module, not a script path, to be run as 'python -m' would run it.z--omitzhOmit files whose paths match one of these patterns. Accepts shell-style wildcards, which must be quoted.z-o�outfilez=Write the XML report to this file. Defaults to 'coverage.xml')r�destr#rz?Write the JSON report to this file. Defaults to 'coverage.json'z?Write the LCOV report to this file. Defaults to 'coverage.lcov'z--pretty-printz"Format the JSON for human readers.z-pz--parallel-modez|Append the machine name, process id and random number to the data file name to simplify collecting data from many processes.z--precision�NzVNumber of digits after the decimal point to display for reported coverage percentages.z-qz--quietz-Don't print messages about what is happening.z--rcfilez�Specify configuration file. By default '.coveragerc', 'setup.cfg', 'tox.ini', and 'pyproject.toml' are tried. [env: COVERAGE_RCFILE]z--show-contextsz Show contexts for covered lines.z--skip-coveredzSkip files with 100% coverage.z--no-skip-covered�store_false�skip_coveredzDisable --skip-covered.)rr1rz--skip-emptyzSkip files with no code.z--sort�COLUMNzbSort the report by the named column: name, stmts, miss, branch, brpart, or cover. Default is name.z--sourcez
SRC1,SRC2,...z=A list of directories or importable names of code to measure.z--timidzXUse a simpler but slower trace method. Try this if you get seemingly impossible results!z--title�TITLEz.A text string to use as the title on the HTML.z	--versionz%Display version information and exit.N)0�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__�optparse�make_option�append�keep�branch�format�join�sortedr
�CONCURRENCY_CHOICES�concurrency�context�contexts�combine_datafile�input_datafile�output_datafile�debug�	directory�
ignore_errors�include�pylib�show_missing�module�omit�
parallel_mode�int�	precision�quiet�rcfile�
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4����G�G�Grerc�T��eZdZdZd�fd�ZGd�d	e��Zd�fd�Zdd�Z�xZ	S)�CoverageOptionParserz|Base OptionParser for coverage.py.

    Problems don't exit the program.
    Defaults are initialized for all options.

    �argsr�kwargs�return�Nonec�<��d|d<t��j|i|��|jd#idd�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�d	d�d
d�dd�dd�d
d�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�dd�d d�d!d�d"d��|���dS)$NF�add_help_optionrr=r?rDrErF�	data_filerJrKrLr@rrMrNr>rQrRrWrYrOrZr[Tr\rPr4r^r_r`rarbrcrd)�super�__init__�set_defaults�disable_interspersed_args)�selfrirj�	__class__s   �rfrqzCoverageOptionParser.__init__�s����$)�� �!������$�)�&�)�)�)����!	
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�&�&�(�(�(�(�(rec��eZdZdZdS)�&CoverageOptionParser.OptionParserErrorz;Used to stop the optparse error handler ending the process.N)r7r8r9r:rdrerf�OptionParserErrorrws������I�I��rerx�	List[str]�1Tuple[bool, Optional[optparse.Values], List[str]]c���	t���|��\}}n#|j$rddgfcYSwxYwd||fS)zUCall optparse.parse_args, but return a triple:

        (ok, options, args)

parse_argsrx)rtri�optionsrus   �rf�
parse_args_okz"CoverageOptionParser.parse_args_oksb���	#�!�G�G�.�.�t�4�4�M�G�T�T���%�	#�	#�	#��$��?�"�"�"�	#�����W�d�"�"s�$(�:�:�msg�strrc�.�t|��|j�)z7Override optparse.error so sys.exit doesn't get called.)�	show_helprx)rtrs  rf�errorzCoverageOptionParser.error+s���#�����$�$re)rirrjrrkrl)riryrkrz)rr�rkr)
r7r8r9r:rq�	Exceptionrxr~r��
#�%�%�%�%�%�%�%�%rerhc�$��eZdZdZd�fd�Z�xZS)�GlobalOptionParserz<Command-line parser for coverage.py global option arguments.rkrlc���t�����|�tjtjg��dS�N)rprq�add_optionsrrrc)rtrus �rfrqzGlobalOptionParser.__init__4sJ���
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Zdd�ZdZd�fd�Z�xZS)�CmdOptionParserz4Parse one of the new-style commands for coverage.py.Nrr�r}�List[optparse.Option]�description�usage�
Optional[str]c���|rd|z}t���||���|�|���|�|��||_dS)a4Create an OptionParser for a coverage.py command.

        `action` is the slug to put into `options.action`.
        `options` is a list of Option's for the command.
        `description` is the description of the command, for the help text.
        `usage` is the usage string to display in help.

        z%prog �r�r�)rN)rprqrrr��cmd)rtrr}r�r�rus     �rfrqzCmdOptionParser.__init__@sv����	%��u�$�E�
������#�	�	
�����(�(�(�����!�!�!�����re�otherrk�boolc� �|d|j�d�kS)Nz<CmdOptionParser:�>)r�)rtr�s  rf�__eq__zCmdOptionParser.__eq__Ys���8�T�X�8�8�8�8�9rec�\��t�����}|�d|j��S)z>Override of an undocumented function in optparse.OptionParser.� )rp�
get_prog_namer�)rt�program_namerus  �rfr�zCmdOptionParser.get_prog_name`s0����w�w�,�,�.�.���+�+���+�+�+rer�)rr�r}r�r�r�r�r�)r�r�rkr�)rkr�)	r7r8r9r:rqr��__hash__r�r�r�s@rfr�r�=s��������>�>� $��������2:�:�:�:�
�H�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,rer��annotatez[options] [modules]z|Make annotated copies of the given files, marking statements that are executed with > and statements that are missed with !.r��combinez%[options] <path1> <path2> ... <pathN>a&Combine data from multiple coverage files. The combined results are written to a single file representing the union of the data. The positional arguments are data files or directories containing data files. If no paths are provided, data files in the default data file's directory are combined.rJz<topic>aBDisplay information about the internals of coverage.py, for diagnosing problems. Topics are: 'data' to show a summary of the collected data; 'sys' to show installation information; 'config' to show the configuration; 'premain' to show what is calling coverage; 'pybehave' to show internal flags describing Python behavior.�erasez)Erase previously collected coverage data.)r�rz	[command]zDescribe how to use coverage.py�htmlz�Create an HTML report of the coverage of the files.  Each file gets its own page, with the source decorated to show executed, excluded, and missed lines.�jsonz+Generate a JSON report of coverage results.�lcovz,Generate an LCOV report of coverage results.�reportz&Report coverage statistics on modules.�runz$[options] <pyfile> [program options]z/Run a Python program, measuring code execution.�xmlz+Generate an XML report of coverage results.)r�r�rJr�rr�r�r�r�r�r�r�r��topic�parser�Optional[optparse.OptionParser]rkrlc��|s|s|sJ�tjd}|�tjjdz��rtj�|��}tj�|��}tj	r/d}|�|��r|dt|���}ttj
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�������}|rt!|jdi|����nt!d|����t!djdi|����dS)z-Display an error message, or the named topic.rz__main__.pyz
-script.pyNrr�zwith C extension�extension_modifierzwithout C extension)�filezUse 'z help' for help.r zDon't know topic z"Full documentation is at {__url__}rd)�sys�argv�endswith�os�path�sep�dirname�basenamer�WINDOWS�len�dict�coverage�__dict__rr�print�stderr�format_help�strip�textwrap�dedent�HELP_TOPICS�getr@)r�r�r��program_pathr��auto_suffix�help_params�help_msgs        rfr�r�*s���#�E�#�V�#�#�#��8�A�;�L����R�W�[�=�8�9�9�5��w���|�4�4���7�#�#�L�1�1�L�
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D�E�E�E�E�Ere)r��c�:�eZdZdZdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zdd�Zdd�ZdS)�CoverageScriptz*The command-line interface to coverage.py.rkrlc��d|_|dS)NF)�
global_option)rts rfrqzCoverageScript.__init___s��"������rer�ryrXc�
�|std���tS|d�d��|_|jrt	��}nKt
�|d��}|std|d����tS|dd�}|�|��\}}}|stS|�J�|�	|||��rtSt|j��}t|j��}t|j
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|j�|j�d��}nd}t%|jpt(|j|j|j|j|j||||	|d	|j|j�
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kr|� ||��S|jdkrs|j!r|j�"��|pd}|j�#|d	tI|j%�����|j�&��tStOtQ|��|j)|||
��}n�|jdkr |jj9d$|j:|j1d�|
��}nt|�|��	|j?� |j�@d|j?��|j.� |j�@d|j.��t�t�|j�Cd����}t�t�|j�Cd����}t�|||��rPd �3t�|�!���G|��||�"��}t�d#|��t�StS)%z�The bulk of the command line interface to coverage.py.

        `argv` is the argument list to process.

        Returns 0 if all is well, 1 if something went wrong.

        �minimum_help�r�r�-zUnknown command: r�N�,T)ro�data_suffix�cover_pylibrar?�config_filer`rRrNrJrD�check_preimportedrE�messagesrJr�r�r�)�strictr>)�morfsrMrRrNrFr r�)rYrPr4r^r_�
output_formatr�rKr�)rKrYr4r^r\rbr�)r0r^r�)r0�pretty_printr\r�r0zreport:fail_underzreport:precisionz;total of {total} is less than fail-under={fail_under:.{p}f})rY)�totalrL�pzCoverage failure:rd)Jr��OK�
startswithr�r��COMMANDSr��ERRr~�do_help�unshell_listr`rRrNrJrFrD�splitr
data_paths�report_argsr�rLrYrs                  rf�command_linezCoverageScript.command_linecs����	��N�+�+�+�+��I�
"�!�W�/�/��4�4�����	�'�)�)�F�F��\�\�$�q�'�*�*�F��
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�)�3�/�/�/�!�!��	rer}�optparse.Valuesrir��optparse.OptionParserr�c�^�|jr*|jrtd���nt|���dS|jdkrW|rC|D]?}t�|��}|�t|����/t|����@ntd���dS|jrtd���dSdS)z`Deal with help requests.

        Return True if it handled the request, False if not.

        rr�)r�TNrcF)rr�r�rr�r�rc)rtr}rir��a�parser_maybes      rfr�zCoverageScript.do_helps����<�	��!�
(��+�+�A�#+�<�<��?�?�L�#�/�!��6�6�6�6�6�!��*�*�*�*�*�+���'�'�'�'��4��?�	��I�&�&�&�&��4��urec�Z�|s}|jrtd��tStt|j�d����}|�1tj|��}|r|ddvrd|_|dd�}|std��tS|j	r0|j�d	��rtd
dkr4dD]1}t||���td
d<t|t|j�����}|���|j	r|j���|j���d}	|���n#t($rd}�wxYw	|j���|r|j���n:#|j���|r|j���wwxYwt.S)z!Implementation of 'coverage run'.zNo module specified for -mzrun:command_lineNr>r.r/Tr�zNothing to do.zrun:parallelz,Can't append to data files in parallel mode.�multiprocessing)r?rNrRrOr`razROptions affecting multiprocessing must only be specified in a configuration file.
z	Remove --z from the command line.�true�COVERAGE_RUN)�	as_moduleF)rQr�r�rr�r�r��shlexr�r=rD�getattrr��environrr��preparer��startr�r�stopr�r�)rtr}rir��opt_name�runner�code_rans       rfr�zCoverageScript.do_run-sp���
���T�]�%=�%=�>P�%Q�%Q�R�R�L��'��{�<�0�0���$�D��G�'9�9�9�%)�G�N�����8�D��	��&�'�'�'��J��>�	�d�m�6�6�~�F�F�	��D�E�E�E��J���"3�3�3�V�	
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z#Implementation of 'coverage debug'.zFWhat information would you like: config, data, sys, premain, pybehave?r�Nz Only one topic at a time, pleaserr��dataz-----�config�premain�pybehavezDon't know what you mean by )r�r�rr�r��sys_inforr
debug_inforrr�)rtriro�filenames    rfr�zCoverageScript.do_debughs����	��^�_�_�_��J�����8�	��8�9�9�9��J���7�e��� ���t�}�/E�/E�/G�/G�H�H�H�H�
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 � ���$�-�2F�2Q�2Q�2S�2S�T�T�T�T�
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�G�G�C�L�L���7�7�3�<�<�reriryc��tjrNg}|D]G}d|vsd|vr(|�tj|�����2|�|���H|}|S)z5Interpret shell wildcards for platforms that need it.�?�*)rr��extend�globr=)ri�globbed�args   rfr�r��sm��
�{�����	$�	$�C��c�z�z�S�C�Z�Z����t�y��~�~�.�.�.�.����s�#�#�#�#����Krea�        Coverage.py, version {__version__} {extension_modifier}
        Measure, collect, and report on code coverage in Python programs.

        usage: {program_name} <command> [options] [args]

            annotate    Annotate source files with execution information.
            combine     Combine a number of data files.
            debug       Display information about the internals of coverage.py
            erase       Erase previously collected coverage data.
            help        Get help on using coverage.py.
            html        Create an HTML report.
            json        Create a JSON report of coverage results.
            lcov        Create an LCOV report of coverage results.
            report      Report coverage stats on modules.
            run         Run a Python program and measure code execution.
            xml         Create an XML report of coverage results.

        Use "{program_name} help <command>" for detailed help on any command.
    zjCode coverage for Python, version {__version__} {extension_modifier}.  Use '{program_name} help' for help.z7Coverage.py, version {__version__} {extension_modifier})rr�rcr��
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    This is installed as the script entry point.

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Zerion Mini Shell 1.0