Direktori : /proc/thread-self/root/opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/__pycache__/ |
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/__pycache__/stat.cpython-37.pyc |
B � f � @ sF d Z dZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZd Z d Z dd� Zd d� ZdZ dZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdZdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zdd� Zd d!� Zd"d#� Zd$d%� Zd&d'� Zd(d)� Z d*Z!d+Z"e"Z#d,Z$d-Z%d.Z&d/Z'd0Z(d-Z)d.Z*d/Z+d1Z,d2Z-d3Z.d Z/dZ0dZ1dZ2dZ3dZ4dZ5dZ6d Z7d3Z8d2Z9dZ:d4Z;d5Z<d6Z=d7Z>d8Z?ed9fed:fed;fe d<fed=fed>ffe)d?ffe*d@ffe+e!B dAfe!dBfe+dCffe-d?ffe.d@ffe/e"B dAfe"dBfe/dCffe1d?ffe2d@ffe3e$B dDfe$dEfe3dCfff Z@dFdG� ZAd2ZBd*ZCd/ZDd3ZEdZFdZGdZHd.ZIdZJd5ZKdZLdZMd+ZNd,ZOdZPd-ZQd4ZRyddHlST W n eTk �r@ Y nX dIS )JzoConstants/functions for interpreting results of os.stat() and os.lstat(). Suggested usage: from stat import * � � � � � � � � � � c C s | d@ S )zMReturn the portion of the file's mode that can be set by os.chmod(). i� � )�moder r �)/opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/stat.py�S_IMODE s r c C s | d@ S )zLReturn the portion of the file's mode that describes the file type. i � r )r r r r �S_IFMT s r i @ i i ` i � i i � i � c C s t | �tkS )z(Return True if mode is from a directory.)r �S_IFDIR)r r r r �S_ISDIR2 s r c C s t | �tkS )z<Return True if mode is from a character special device file.)r �S_IFCHR)r r r r �S_ISCHR6 s r c C s t | �tkS )z8Return True if mode is from a block special device file.)r �S_IFBLK)r r r r �S_ISBLK: s r c C s t | �tkS )z+Return True if mode is from a regular file.)r �S_IFREG)r r r r �S_ISREG>