
Mini Shell

Direktori : /proc/thread-self/root/opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/lib2to3/__pycache__/
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Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/lib2to3/__pycache__/main.cpython-37.pyc


� f�-�@s�dZddlmZmZddlZddlZddlZddlZddlZddl	Z	ddl
mZdd�ZGdd	�d	ej
d�Zddd
Main program for 2to3.
�)�with_statement�print_functionN�)�refactorc	Cs(|��}|��}tj||||dddd�S)z%Return a unified diff of two strings.z
(original)z(refactored)�)Zlineterm)�
splitlines�difflibZunified_diff)�a�b�filename�r�1/opt/alt/python37/lib64/python3.7/lib2to3/main.py�
rcs>eZdZdZd�fdd�	Zdd�Z�fdd�Zd	d
�Z�ZS)�StdoutRefactoringToola2
    A refactoring tool that can avoid overwriting its input files.
    Prints output to stdout.

    Output files can optionally be written to a different directory and or
    have an extra file suffix appended to their name for use in situations
    where you do not want to replace the input files.
    rc		sP||_||_|r&|�tj�s&|tj7}||_||_||_tt	|��
            fixers: A list of fixers to import.
            options: A dict with RefactoringTool configuration.
            explicit: A list of fixers to run even if they are explicit.
            nobackups: If true no backup '.bak' files will be created for those
                files that are being refactored.
            show_diffs: Should diffs of the refactoring be printed to stdout?
            input_base_dir: The base directory for all input files.  This class
                will strip this path prefix off of filenames before substituting
                it with output_dir.  Only meaningful if output_dir is supplied.
                All files processed by refactor() must start with this path.
            output_dir: If supplied, all converted files will be written into
                this directory tree instead of input_base_dir.
            append_suffix: If supplied, all files output by this tool will have
                this appended to their filename.  Useful for changing .py to
                .py3 for example by passing append_suffix='3'.
        N)�	nobackups�
show_diffs�endswith�os�sep�_input_base_dir�_output_dir�_append_suffix�superr�__init__)	�selfZfixers�options�explicitrr�input_base_dir�
append_suffix)�	__class__rr
zStdoutRefactoringTool.__init__cOs*|j�|||f�|jj|f|�|�dS)N)�errors�append�logger�error)r�msg�args�kwargsrrr
�	log_errorAszStdoutRefactoringTool.log_errorc

sz|}|jrH|�|j�r6tj�|j|t|j�d��}ntd||jf��|jrX||j7}||kr�tj�	|�}tj�
|�s�|r�t�|�|�d||�|j
r�}z|�d|�Wdd}~XYnXyt�||�Wn2tk
�r0}z|�d||�Wdd}~XYnXtt|�j}	|	||||�|j
�s`t�||�||k�rvt�||�dS)Nz5filename %s does not start with the input_base_dir %szWriting converted %s to %s.z.bakzCan't remove backup %szCan't rename %s to %s)r�
orig_filenamerZbackup�err�write)r rr

z StdoutRefactoringTool.write_filec	Cs�|r|�d|�n�|�d|�|jr�t|||�}yX|jdk	rp|j�&x|D]}t|�qJWtj��WdQRXnx|D]}t|�qvWWn"tk
r�t	d|f�dSXdS)NzNo changes to %sz
Refactored %sz+couldn't encode %s's diff for your terminal)
diff_lines�linerrr
�print_outputls"


z"StdoutRefactoringTool.print_output)rrr)	�__name__�
__module__�__qualname__�__doc__rr(r6rD�
__classcell__rr)r r
'rcCstd|ftjd�dS)NzWARNING: %s)�file)r;r<�stderr)r%rrr
stjdd�}|jddddd�|jdd	d
gdd�|jd
gdd�|jddddd�|jddddd�|jddddd�|jd dd!d�|jd"d#dd$d�|jd%d&dd'd(d�|jd)d*dd+d,d-d.�|jd/d0dd1d�|jd2dd+d,d3d.�d'}i}|�|�\}}|j�r@d4|d5<|j�s:td6�d4|_|j�rZ|j�sZ|�	d7�|j
�rt|j�st|�	d8�|j�s�|j�r�td9�|j�s�|j�r�|�	d:�|j�r�t
dBtjd>�d@S|j�r<d4|dC<|j�rJtjntj}gtj_tjdD|dE�t�dF�}tt����}	t�fdGdH�|jD��}
t�}|j�r�d'}x2|jD](}
dIk�r�d4}n|��dJ|
��q�W|�r�|	� |�n|}n
|	� |�}|�!|
�}t"j#�$|�}|�r@|�%t"j&��s@t"j#�'|��s@t"j#�(|�}|j�rd|�)t"j&�}|�*dK|j|�t+t,|�|t,|�|j|j||j|j
dMtjd>�dSX|�3�t4t5|j-��S)Nz�Main program.

        fixer_pkg: the name of a package where the fixers are located.
        args: optional; a list of command line arguments. If omitted,
              sys.argv[1:] is used.

    Returns a suggested exit status (0, 1, 2).
    z2to3 [options] file|dir ...)Zusagez-dz--doctests_only�
store_truezFix up doctests only)�action�helpz-fz--fixr"z1Each FIX specifies a transformation; default: all)rM�defaultrNz-jz--processesZstorer�intzRun 2to3 concurrently)rMrO�typerNz-xz--nofixz'Prevent a transformation from being runz-lz--list-fixeszList available transformationsz-pz--print-functionz0Modify the grammar so that print() is a functionz-vz	--verbosezMore verbose loggingz
--no-diffsz#Don't show diffs of the refactoringz-wz--writezWrite back modified filesz-nz--nobackupsFz&Don't write backups for modified filesz-oz--output-dir�strrzXPut output files in this directory instead of overwriting the input files.  Requires -n.)rMrQrOrNz-Wz--write-unchanged-fileszYAlso write files even if no changes were required (useful with --output-dir); implies -w.z--add-suffixzuAppend this string to all output filenames. Requires -n if non-empty.  ex: --add-suffix='3' will generate .py3 files.T�write_unchanged_filesz&--write-unchanged-files/-W implies -w.z%Can't use --output-dir/-o without -n.z"Can't use --add-suffix without -n.z@not writing files and not printing diffs; that's not very usefulzCan't use -n without -wz2Available transformations for the -f/--fix option:rz1At least one file or directory argument required.)rJzUse --help to show usage.��-zCan't write to stdin.rz%(name)s: %(message)s)�format�levelzlib2to3.mainc3s|]}�d|VqdS)z.fix_Nr)�.0�fix)�	fixer_pkgrr
�	<genexpr>�szmain.<locals>.<genexpr>�allz.fix_z7Output in %r will mirror the input directory %r layout.)rrrz+Sorry, -j isn't supported on this platform.)6�optparseZOptionParserZ
list_fixesr;rZget_all_fix_namesr<rKr�verbose�logging�DEBUG�INFO�rootZhandlersZbasicConfigZ	getLogger�setZget_fixers_from_packageZnofixrY�add�union�
differencerr*�commonprefixrrr/r.�rstrip�infor�sortedr!�refactor_stdinZ
doctests_onlyZ	processesZMultiprocessingUnsupported�AssertionErrorZ	summarizerP�bool)rZr&�parserrl�flagsrZfixnamerWr#Zavail_fixesZunwanted_fixesrZall_presentrYZ	requestedZfixer_namesrZrtr)rZr





__future__rrr<rrr`r7r]rrrZMultiprocessRefactoringToolrr@rqrrrr
�<module>s	g

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0