Direktori : /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/libnpmaccess/ |
Current File : //usr/lib/node_modules/npm/node_modules/libnpmaccess/index.js |
'use strict' const figgyPudding = require('figgy-pudding') const getStream = require('get-stream') const npa = require('npm-package-arg') const npmFetch = require('npm-registry-fetch') const {PassThrough} = require('stream') const validate = require('aproba') const AccessConfig = figgyPudding({ Promise: {default: () => Promise} }) const eu = encodeURIComponent const npar = spec => { spec = npa(spec) if (!spec.registry) { throw new Error('`spec` must be a registry spec') } return spec } const cmd = module.exports = {} cmd.public = (spec, opts) => setAccess(spec, 'public', opts) cmd.restricted = (spec, opts) => setAccess(spec, 'restricted', opts) function setAccess (spec, access, opts) { opts = AccessConfig(opts) return pwrap(opts, () => { spec = npar(spec) validate('OSO', [spec, access, opts]) const uri = `/-/package/${eu(spec.name)}/access` return npmFetch(uri, opts.concat({ method: 'POST', body: {access}, spec })) }).then(res => res.body.resume() && true) } cmd.grant = (spec, entity, permissions, opts) => { opts = AccessConfig(opts) return pwrap(opts, () => { spec = npar(spec) const {scope, team} = splitEntity(entity) validate('OSSSO', [spec, scope, team, permissions, opts]) if (permissions !== 'read-write' && permissions !== 'read-only') { throw new Error('`permissions` must be `read-write` or `read-only`. Got `' + permissions + '` instead') } const uri = `/-/team/${eu(scope)}/${eu(team)}/package` return npmFetch(uri, opts.concat({ method: 'PUT', body: {package: spec.name, permissions}, scope, spec, ignoreBody: true })) }).then(() => true) } cmd.revoke = (spec, entity, opts) => { opts = AccessConfig(opts) return pwrap(opts, () => { spec = npar(spec) const {scope, team} = splitEntity(entity) validate('OSSO', [spec, scope, team, opts]) const uri = `/-/team/${eu(scope)}/${eu(team)}/package` return npmFetch(uri, opts.concat({ method: 'DELETE', body: {package: spec.name}, scope, spec, ignoreBody: true })) }).then(() => true) } cmd.lsPackages = (entity, opts) => { opts = AccessConfig(opts) return pwrap(opts, () => { return getStream.array( cmd.lsPackages.stream(entity, opts) ).then(data => data.reduce((acc, [key, val]) => { if (!acc) { acc = {} } acc[key] = val return acc }, null)) }) } cmd.lsPackages.stream = (entity, opts) => { validate('SO|SZ', [entity, opts]) opts = AccessConfig(opts) const {scope, team} = splitEntity(entity) let uri if (team) { uri = `/-/team/${eu(scope)}/${eu(team)}/package` } else { uri = `/-/org/${eu(scope)}/package` } opts = opts.concat({ query: {format: 'cli'}, mapJson (value, [key]) { if (value === 'read') { return [key, 'read-only'] } else if (value === 'write') { return [key, 'read-write'] } else { return [key, value] } } }) const ret = new PassThrough({objectMode: true}) npmFetch.json.stream(uri, '*', opts).on('error', err => { if (err.code === 'E404' && !team) { uri = `/-/user/${eu(scope)}/package` npmFetch.json.stream(uri, '*', opts).on( 'error', err => ret.emit('error', err) ).pipe(ret) } else { ret.emit('error', err) } }).pipe(ret) return ret } cmd.lsCollaborators = (spec, user, opts) => { if (typeof user === 'object' && !opts) { opts = user user = undefined } opts = AccessConfig(opts) return pwrap(opts, () => { return getStream.array( cmd.lsCollaborators.stream(spec, user, opts) ).then(data => data.reduce((acc, [key, val]) => { if (!acc) { acc = {} } acc[key] = val return acc }, null)) }) } cmd.lsCollaborators.stream = (spec, user, opts) => { if (typeof user === 'object' && !opts) { opts = user user = undefined } opts = AccessConfig(opts) spec = npar(spec) validate('OSO|OZO', [spec, user, opts]) const uri = `/-/package/${eu(spec.name)}/collaborators` return npmFetch.json.stream(uri, '*', opts.concat({ query: {format: 'cli', user: user || undefined}, mapJson (value, [key]) { if (value === 'read') { return [key, 'read-only'] } else if (value === 'write') { return [key, 'read-write'] } else { return [key, value] } } })) } cmd.tfaRequired = (spec, opts) => setRequires2fa(spec, true, opts) cmd.tfaNotRequired = (spec, opts) => setRequires2fa(spec, false, opts) function setRequires2fa (spec, required, opts) { opts = AccessConfig(opts) return new opts.Promise((resolve, reject) => { spec = npar(spec) validate('OBO', [spec, required, opts]) const uri = `/-/package/${eu(spec.name)}/access` return npmFetch(uri, opts.concat({ method: 'POST', body: {publish_requires_tfa: required}, spec, ignoreBody: true })).then(resolve, reject) }).then(() => true) } cmd.edit = () => { throw new Error('Not implemented yet') } function splitEntity (entity = '') { let [, scope, team] = entity.match(/^@?([^:]+)(?::(.*))?$/) || [] return {scope, team} } function pwrap (opts, fn) { return new opts.Promise((resolve, reject) => { fn().then(resolve, reject) }) }