
Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/shopnoc1/www/
Upload File :
Current File : /home/shopnoc1/www/insert.php


/** Inserting Data by for Applicants start**/

	if (isset($_POST['sub'])) {


	/** if($name==""){
		$msg="Please Enter Your Name";
	else if($fname==""){
		$msg="Please Enter Your Father's Name";

		else if($mname==""){
		$msg="Please Enter Your Mother's Name";
		else if($by==""){

		$msg="Please Enter Your Birth Year";

		else if($course==0){
		$msg="Please Select a Course";

		else if($phone==""){
		$msg="Please Enter Phone Number";


	// Database connection

$insert = mysqli_query($conn,"insert into studentinfo (date,name,fathername,mothername,birthyear,division,district,gender,course,phone)
values ('$date','$name','$fname','$mname','$by','$divs','$diss','$gender','$course','$phone')");

if ($insert) {
	// code...

	Header( 'Location: register.php');

$_SESSION["message"]="message of success";

/** Inserting Data by for Applicants end **/

/** Inserting Data by for Student Admission start**/

	if (isset($_POST['adminsub'])) {



$filename = strtolower($_FILES['file']['name']);
$tmp_name =  $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];

$target_dir = "images/student/";
$target_file = $target_dir.$stdid.".".$ext;


/** if ($ext!="jpg" || $ext !="png" || $ext !="jpeg") {
	echo "file format not supported";
	// code...

else{  **/

/** } **/
	/** if($name==""){
		$msg="Please Enter Your Name";
	else if($fname==""){
		$msg="Please Enter Your Father's Name";

		else if($mname==""){
		$msg="Please Enter Your Mother's Name";
		else if($by==""){

		$msg="Please Enter Your Birth Year";

		else if($course==0){
		$msg="Please Select a Course";

		else if($phone==""){
		$msg="Please Enter Phone Number";



$insert = mysqli_query($conn,"insert into admittedstudentinfo (entrydate,admissiondate,stdid,name,fathername,mothername,dob,email,division,district,upazilla,gender,course,classtime,phone,picture,stdstatus,certstatus,docsub,coursefee,totalpayment,due,examstatus,result)
values ('$entrydate','$admissiondate','$stdid','$name','$fname','$mname','$dob','$email','$divs','$diss','$upz','$gender','$course','$ctime','$phone','$target_file','$stdstatus','$cerstatus','$docstatus','$cfee','$tpay','$due','$examstatus','$result')");

if ($insert) {
	// code...

	Header( 'Location: dashboard.php');

$_SESSION["message"]="message of success";

/** Inserting Data by for student admission end **/

/** Inserting Notice by for Shopnochra Art IT**/

if (isset($_POST['noticesub'])) {
	// code...
	$notice1insert = mysqli_query($conn,"insert into noticeartit (notice) values('$notice1')");

		if ($notice1insert) {

	Header( 'Location:dashboard.php');

$_SESSION["message"]="message of success";

/** Inserting Data by for student admission end **/

/** Inserting Notice by for Shopnochra Academy**/

if (isset($_POST['noticeacademy'])) {
	// code...
	$notice2insert = mysqli_query($conn,"insert into noticeacademy (notice) values('$notice2')");

		if ($notice2insert) {

	Header( 'Location:dashboard.php');

$_SESSION["message"]="message of success";

/** Inserting Image by for Shopnochra AD**/

if (isset($_POST['adpic'])) {
	// code...

$filename = strtolower($_FILES['file']['name']);
$tmp_name =  $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];

$target_dir = "images/ad/";
$target_file = $target_dir.$sid.".".$ext;


	$picinsert = mysqli_query($conn,"insert into adimage (sid,picture) values('$sid','$target_file')");

		if ($picinsert) {

	Header( 'Location:dashboard.php');

$_SESSION["message"]="message of success";


Zerion Mini Shell 1.0